Here is a playlist of 14 Biblical Hebrew songs, with the verses indicated. Open your Hebrew Bible or Bible software to find the Hebrew lyrics and sing along! These songs are chosen because each one only has a few clauses, usually one to four, so there are few words to learn. Moreover, the melodies are not complicated. You can quickly remember the whole song by listening to it and singing it.
They are beautiful songs too! So enriching!
14 songs for Biblical Hebrew revision
Song Title Bible Verses (Hebrew verse numbers)
Hineh Lo Yanum Psalm 121:4, 1, 2, 3
Adir Zechariah 14:9; Psalm 8:2
Shir Hamaalot Psalm 134:1, 3, 3
Adonai Od'cha Psalm 139:12
Elohim Lanu Psalm 46:2-3
U'shavtem Mayim Isaiah 12:3
Oz l'Amo Psalm 29:11
Shemesh uMagen Psalm 84:12, 13
Yehi Shalom Psalm 122:7
Diminu Elohim Psalm 48:10-11
V'Hitanag al Adonai Psalm 37:4, 5, 3
Ki Lo Yitosh Psalm 94:14, 20:10
Katonti Genesis 32:11, 12
Jerusalem Israel Song Psalm 125:1, 2